This resignation letter comes from a military soldier requesting permanent leave from the armed services.
April 12, 2012
U.S. (Branch) Human Resources Command:
With this notice I am officially registering for unqualified resignation from the United States (branch of military.) I have served (length of time) and understand that if my resignation is approved I will be granted an honorable discharge from my services.
I have learned much in my time training and working in this division. It has been an honor and a point of pride to fight for my country and to work alongside such brave and disciplined compatriots. However, since (death in the family, birth of child, etc.) I feel that I am needed in a different capacity in civilian life. The decision has been difficult, but I know that (getting my degree, being a parent, caring for a loved one) is the right thing for me to do at this time.
I appreciate the opportunities and education that I have received in my time here. Thank you for your consideration.
Your Name
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